Feet of Clay

64 Seiten

Am 10. Februar 2015 von Oberon Books veröffentlicht.

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5 Sterne (1 Rezension)

Nineteenth in the Discworld universe and third entry of the City Watch series, this novel follows Captain Carrot, Commander Vimes, and the rest of the Night Watch as they attempt to unravel the mystery of who poisoned Lord Vetinari the Patrician.

20 Auflagen

hat Feet of Clay von Terry Pratchett besprochen


5 Sterne

As a Jewish person, I don’t know how to feel about the ending.

But then again, Pratchett was notorious for overgeneralizations and ethnic stereotypes in his books (take the whole inverse asians, who travel to Ankh-Morpork to study at the feet of a regular Morporkian housewife or Time Monks from the same book, some examples from forthcoming Jingo). However these overgeneralizations for me hitting just the right left-centrist note to not sound ethnicitist.

That said, if I would had to formulate an outtake of this book in one phrase, I would say “you can’t spell nobility without knob… even if you do”.