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Terry Pratchett: Mort (1987, New American Library)

181 Seiten

Sprache: English

Am 25. November 1987 von New American Library veröffentlicht.


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4 Sterne (3 Besprechungen)

Death takes on an apprentice who's an individual thinker.

51 Auflagen

hat Mort: A Discworld Novel von Terry Pratchett besprochen

Review of 'Mort'

4 Sterne

This is such an amazing book (my first Terry Pratchett book), would have given it a 5/5, but the last 20-30 pages just falls apart pacing wise and depends on some rushed exposition crammed into the last 2-3 pages that I had to open up the plot of the book on Wikipedia to understand it, the end also just feels out of place with the rest of the book. The first like 90% however has to be one of the most enjoyable reads I've ever had, every page (up to those last few) a pure joy.

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5 Sterne


  • Discworld (Imaginary place) -- Fiction