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Rachel Grant: Don't Look Back (EBook, Janus) 4 Sterne

ometimes history is better left buried…

Six months after barely escaping a nightmare, Kira Hanson …

Suspenseful plot thread weaving

4 Sterne

I received this book for free, this does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review

With both parents now dead, learning the truth wouldn’t hurt anyone except herself.

Don't Look Back is third in the Evidence: Under Fire series, and while you'd miss out on arriving fully in the know about interpersonal relationships of characters, I didn't have a problem starting the series with this installment. There's enough nudging in of recaps to get new readers in the know and the beginning gives a flashback to a big moment between our leads, Kira is rescued by Rand; readers of the series will feel like they're just picking up where the last book left off. If you've been a reader of Suzanne Brockmann or binged through the tv shows The Night Agent, The Old Man, and Bodyguard (British), then you're definitely going to want to …